




黄博,博士,特聘副教授,硕士生导师,海外优秀人才。2014年获英国胡弗汉顿大学土木工程专业学士,2016年获英国曼彻斯特大学工程项目管理硕士,2021年获英国兰卡斯特大学工程专业博士学位。主要从事二维生物纳米材料增强水泥基以及复合材料增强性能、UHPC、绿色超高性能混凝土微结构与水化分析、3D打印循环再利用混凝土的研发。主持或参与国内外项目8项。相关研究成果在《Cement and Concrete Composites》、《Composites Part B: Engineering》等SCI刊物发表16篇,担任《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》等期刊审稿人,申请发明专利/软著7项。指导学生国际/国内竞赛获奖等8项。


1 湖南省自然科学青年基金项目,2024JJ6217,制糖废弃物改性水泥基材料水化特性及微结构演化机理研究,2024/01-2026/12,在研,主持。

2 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目,B323252D植物纳米纤维-水泥基复合材料的强韧化机制研究,2023/01-2025/12,在研,主持。

3 香港最精准十码海外优秀人才项目,E522A4,植物纳米纤维改性水泥基复合材料,2023/01-2027/12,在研,主持。

4 欧盟地平线计划2020玛丽居里学者基金,799658_B-SMART,源自食物垃圾的生物材料,作为为下一代多功能建筑基础设施设计环保,智能和高性能水泥复合材料的绿色途径, 2018/09-2020/09, 完结,参与。

5 欧盟地平线计划2020安全欧盟,765057,可持续,可访问,安全,有弹性和智能的城市路面,2018/03-2022/02, 完结,参与。

6 英国皇家学会,IEC\NSFC\191350,利用智能混凝土实现建筑的低碳供暖和制冷, 2020/03-2022/03, 完结,参与。


1 Almotlaq, T., Huang, B*., Saafi, M*. and Ye, J., 2024. Enhancing the self-sensing and energy storage capabilities of cementitious composites through marine sand doping. Construction and Building Materials, 428, p.136218.

2 Wang, J., Liu, H., Sun, J., Huang, B., Wang, Y., Zhao, H., Saafi, M. and Wang, X., 2024. Research on Concrete Early Shrinkage Characteristics Based on Machine Learning Algorithms for Multi-objective Optimization. Journal of Building Engineering, p.109415.

3 Huang, B., Chi, Y*., Wang, J., Wang, G., Ye, J., Whale, E., Hepworth, D., Ye, J. and Saafi, M*.,2023. Mechanical and fracture properties of sugar beetroot-based nanosheets (SNS) doped cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 409, p.133926.

4 Huang, B., Chi, Y*., Almotlaq, T., Wang, J., Saafi, M*., Ye, J., Sun, J., Wang, Y. and Ye, J., 2023. Influence of sugar beetroot microsheets on the hydration kinetics of cementitious composites: Electrochemical characterization. Cement and Concrete Composites, p.105314.

5 Huang, B*., Wang, J*., Piukovics, G., Zabihi, N., Ye, J., Saafi, M*. and Ye, J., 2023. Hybrid cement composite-based sensor for in-situ chloride monitoring in concrete structures. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 385, p.133638.

6 Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Fullwood, N., Lambert, C., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2021. 2D bio-based nanomaterial as a green route to amplify the formation of hydrate phases of cement composites: Atomistic simulations and analytical characterization. Construction and Building Materials, 299, p.123867.

7 Huang, Z*., Liang, T., Huang, B, zhou, Y. and Ye, J. 2021. Ultra-lightweight high ductility cement composite incorporated with low PE fiber. Construction and Building Materials, 312, p.125430.

8 Chi, Y*., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Ye, J. and Lambert, C., 2020. Carrot-based covalently bonded saccharides as a new 2D material for healing defective calcium-silicate-hydrate in cement: Integrating atomistic computational simulation with experimental studies. Composites Part B: Engineering, 199, p.108235.

9 Hasan, H., Huang, B., Saafi, M*., Sun, J., Chi, Y., Whale, E., Hepworth, D. and Ye, J., 2019. Novel engineered high performance sugar beetroot 2D nanoplatelet-cementitious composites. Construction and Building Materials, 202, pp.546-562.

10 Saafi, M*., Gullane, A., Huang, B., Sadeghi, H., Ye, J. and Sadeghi, F., 2018. Inherently multifunctional geopolymeric cementitious composite as electrical energy storage and self-sensing structural material. Composite Structures, 201, pp.766-778.


1 Huang, B*, Yutong Li, Jianqun Wang, Junbo Sun. Sustainability Assessment of 3D-Printed Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Modified, 10th International Conference on Innovative Production and Construction (IPC 2024), Perth, Australia, 11th -12th July, 2024

2 Huang, B, Wang J and Saafi, M*. Hybrid cement composite-based sensor for in-situ chloride monitoring in concrete structures, 2023 Lancaster University Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 21st May 2023.

3 Huang, B. EMMC18 18th European Mechanics of materials conference, Oxford University, UK, 4th -6th April, 2022,

4 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of new lightweight aggregate through Brine purification mud and washed plant sand, Postgraduate Research Conference 2021, Lancaster University, UK, 17th July 2021

5 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Exploration and Enlightenment of the Teaching Mode different between UK and China, Lancaster University 2021 Education Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 7th -8th July 2021

6 Huang, B, Development of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites for Sustainable Construction, The 2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize in Cement and Concrete, University of Leeds, UK, 19th November 2020.

7 Huang, B, 25th IEEE International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'19) organising assistant, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -7th September 2019

8 Huang, B, Saafi, M*, Chi, Y and Ye J. Hydration of Bio-Engineered Cementitious Composites (2D Sugar beetroot nanoplatelets), The 22nd International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS22) and 1st Chinese conference on composite structures (CCCS1), Wuhan University, China, 31st October – 3rd November 2019.

9 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. The influence of bio-nanoplatelet(BNP) additions on the performance of cement paste, 2018 Lancaster University international Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 12th May 2018.

10 Huang, B, Saafi, M* and Ye J. Development of smart cementitious composites for sustainable and resilient infrastructure systems, Lancaster University Engineering Department Postgraduate Research Conference, Lancaster University, UK, 5th -6th July 2017.


1 黄博,张文龙,汪建群,崔二江,王娟。用于检测混凝土中氯离子浓度的聚合物传感器及使用方法,专利号:CN202211692338.9,发明授权。

2 黄博,余意,张文龙,汪建群,张宗堂,袁帅华。CNS水泥基压电极化传感器及其使用方法,专利号:CN202311378193.X,发明授权。

3 黄博,廖亚玲,汪建群,李雨桐,周聪,王洋,谷泽文。一种氧化石墨烯地聚物防腐涂层及其制备方法,专利号:CN202311734810.5,发明实质审查。

4 黄博,汪建群,李志鹏,刘畅,彭刚,燕飞。一种多壁碳纳米管/植物纳米纤维片水泥基复合材料及其制备方法,专利号:CN202311857035.2,发明实质审查。

5 黄博,杨媛媛,李雨桐,屈峰,石锣钰,梁延政。制糖废弃物生产高性能水泥基材料的装置及使用方法,专利号:CN202410391763.7,发明实质审查。

6 黄博,孙浚博,汪建群,屈峰,周聪,王功勋,张宗堂。基于纤维素纳米纤丝的水泥基复合材料处理设备及应用,专利号:202410505635.0,发明实质审查。


1 2024年指导王海红获江苏省苏州大学生创新创业大赛三等奖,指导余意获江苏省吴江‘海智服务基层行’三等奖。

2 2024年指导万功兴获香港最精准十码优秀毕业论文。

3 2023年指导李志鹏,2024年指导余意、简清亮立项香港最精准十码大学生创新创业训练计划(SIT)省级项目2项,校级1项。

4 2023年指导李雨桐,2024年指导陶乐、余意立项香港最精准十码学生科研创新计划(SRIP)一般项目3项。

5 2023年指导李文杰,2024年指导余意、刘畅获得第九、十届全国高校BIM毕业设计创新大赛全国三等奖一项,优秀奖两项。

6 2023年指导詹欣,2024年指导黄翊、瞿俊杰、梁延政等同学获得香港最精准十码第十一届结构设计竞赛二等奖1项,三等奖3项。

7 2024年指导余意、李宙徽立项香港最精准十码大学生创业计划竞赛铜奖(“挑战杯”)2项。

8 2016-2020年指导EllieOliverCris等八名同学完成国际校企合作项目。


1 2024年澳大利亚第 10 届创新生产与建设国际会议最佳论文奖

2 2023年湖南省交通建设工程试验检测协会C类青年专家

3 2021-2023年度湘潭市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖

4 2023年香港最精准十码年度考核优秀、优秀研究生班主任、优秀工会会员

5 2023澳大利亚苏州-维多利亚研创中心特聘专家

6 2022年中国公路水运工程试验检测师(交通运输部)

7 2021年兰卡斯特大学兰卡斯特金奖(最佳毕业生)(Lancaster Award - Gold

8 2020年英国最佳混凝土研究领域最佳博士学位奖项亚当-内维尔奖(2020 Adam Neville PhD Prize for the national PhD

9 英国高等教育协会(HEA)认证研究员(Associate Teacher Program

10 2018年兰卡斯特大学优秀学生大使与全球宣传大使(Lancaster University student ambassador and Global promoting ambassador


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